2011 is already halfway over so its time to give out some awards. Now I will focus on the good in 2011 and soon I will review the bad. Lets get started.
Most underrated film
Drive Angry Arthur The Green Lantern
Explaining the nominees.
This category is to honor the films that I liked that got bad to terrible reviews by the critics, In picking the winner I ruled in which one I enjoyed the most and which had the worst reviews by critics that I liked.
The Winner is
The Green Lantern

Most underrated film
Drive Angry Arthur The Green Lantern

Explaining the nominees.
This category is to honor the films that I liked that got bad to terrible reviews by the critics, In picking the winner I ruled in which one I enjoyed the most and which had the worst reviews by critics that I liked.
The Winner is
The Green Lantern
I choose the Green Lantern because it was the second worst reviewed film and I enjoyed it alot. The winner really came between Drive Angry and The Green Lantern but since Drive Angry had a much higher rating on Rotten Tomatoes (45 percent for Drive Angry 27 percent for Green Lantern) I gave the edge to the Green Lantern. I recommend all of the nominations check them out if you can.
Most anticipated film of 2011's second half
Sherlock Holmes 2 The Adventures of Mission Impossible
Tin Tin 4
Explaining the nominees
This category is to honor the films I am most looking foreword to. Here I weighed in the previous films, any clips or trailers that were released, and the casts.
The winner is
Mission Impossible 4
Choosing the winner for this award came down to two films that come out on the same week, Sherlock Holmes 2 and Mission Impossible 4. Dont get me wrong, I am looking foreword to the other nominations alot it just one having a few things that worry me (Tin Tin's animation.) I choose Mission Impossible because it came down to the trailer which was spectacular and Sherlock Holmes has not yet release a trailer.
Funnest movie
The Green Hornet Fast 5 Drive Angry

Explaining the nominees
This award is for all of the films where you could just turn your brain off and have a fun time. The criteria was pretty simple I just picked the film I had the most fun watching.
The Winner is
The Green Hornet
What a way to start of the year 2011 with just a film that was a load of fun. It was such a pleasure to watch this film it had me laughing throughout and had some really cool action. I just love to see films like this come out in the baron because it just puts me in the summer mood.
Best performance by an Actor
James McAvoy Steve Coogan Jake Gyllenhaal
X-Men First Class The Trip Source Code
Explaining the nominees
This one is pretty basic I choose what I thought was the best performance of 2011 so far.
The winner is
Jake Gyllenhaal
Source Code
So far in 2011 there has been plenty of fantastic performances. I think Gyllenhaal had a career defining performance. He showed alot of things that I have not seem for him before. I think Gyllenhaal could get Oscar notice for his outstanding performance.
Best performance by an Actress
Jennifer Lawrence Michelle Monaghan Elle Fanning
X-Men First Class Source Code Super 8
Explaining the nominees
Like best actor I picked what I thought was the best performance by an actress that simple.
The winner is
Jennifer Lawrence
X-Men First Class
This was by far the best performance by anyone this year. Lawrence fresh off her Oscar gives a fantastic performance and adds a lot of character to Mystique.
Best Director
Matthew Vaughn Duncan Jones Jenifer Yuh Nelson

X-Men First Class Source Code Kung Fu Panda 2
Explaining the nominees
This category honors the directors that incorporated the best visuals, story, emotion and human quality. These three did it the best but only one can win.
The winner is
Matthew Vaughn

X-Men First Class
This is an easy choice for me. Matthew Vaughn took a franchise that was down in the dumps and just revived it completely. Just a fantastic job by him.
X-Men First Class Source Code The Trip
The battle between X-Men First Class and Source Code is the tightest battle of any of these awards. I give both four stars but the thing is Source Code is the first film of 2011 to make me cry which gave it the advantage.
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