July is over and summer is almost done with only a few weeks till schools start. So with July over its time for August which is usually a month to dump off a movie. This August we have a blockbuster, some want to be blockbusters, raunchy comedies,and teen friendly stuff. For this I have made four ratings, excited, promising, meh, and disaster in the making. I will also predict the films total box office numbers because Hollywood is about the business. Ok lets get started.
August 5th.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes

What seems to be the final blockbuster of the summer, Rise of the Planet of the Apes storms in theater today. I can not wait to see this film! One of my favorite actors James Franco stars and this is something different from his usual. The early buzz on this film is amazing with people calling this a gripping summer blockbuster with great action scenes and some truly touching moments. This is great to hear because most of the blockbusters this summer have been very hollow to this looks like a great way to end the summer for blockbuster. Hopefully the film succeeds at the box office, and with a budget of 90 million dollars I think it will surpass it domestically because of positive word of mouth. I expect good money and a good movie
110 million domestic, EXCITED
The Change Up

Another raunchy comedy opens today, staring Jason Bateman and joining him is Ryan Reynolds after Green Lantern bombed. This seems like it is going to make a good amount of cash with Crazy Stupid Love seeming that it did all of its business opening week. It will be the only romantic raunchy comedy out for the month so it should make plenty of money. The only worrying thing is that there has been so many raunchy comedies so people might be tired of the genre. Quality wise this looks just meh. Bateman is always good but the story and the film seems generic and nothing special. I think The Change Up will get good money but i am not really looking forward to seeing in theaters.
90 million domestic, meh
August 10th
The Help

Both Gwen Stacey’s star here in the Help coming out today. This has been getting good reviews but nothing to rave about. The film does look good with a good cast and story but im not excited for it. The film is based on a book so it will have a cult following of people so it wont bomb at the box office. I actual expect this film to do ok despite completion. This film mostly will be for the older audience so I expect that audience to come and support the film. This overall does not seem groundbreaking but seems like a solid film in quality and gross.
42 million domestic, Promising
August 12th
30 Minuets or Less

Since I have already seen the film and loved it I am just going to talk about how I think it does in the box office. Personally, I am hopeful people see this and it does not get lost in the crowd of movies. I think it will do well because of the fact that it is directed by the box office hit Zombieland and has a great cast that has proven they can bring in money. The films wont do amazing business but with a what seems to be smaller budget, I think it will make its budget and then some. Not as much as Zombieland, but more than Your Highness, and Arthur two other comedies that came out this year. I predict the film to gross.
48 million domestic
The Final destination 5

Today the fifth film in the Final Destination comes out. Most of these films have been bad but this one has some promise. I like the new element that there are trying to kill each other to stay alive that adds a lot off suspense to who will die when because anyone could die at any time. The scene in the trailer with the bridge destruction looks like the most grand of any of the openings of any of the films. I am still worried because the last two films were terrible so I still am keeping my guard up with this film.This film like all of them will make good money. I don’t think this one will gross more than the last one (The Final Destination grossed 68 million) but it will still get solid business. The new Final Destination 5 looks like it can be better than the last ones and gross some solid money.
56 million, promising
Glee 3D Concert Movie

Oh no this looks just bad. Sure it’s not for me but I am not sitting through a concert of this pitiful music. The movie will get good money because its fan base will come and see it but it will only be out for two weeks. Since concert movies are cheap it will make its money back but don’t expect a slam dunk hit. So overall Glee 3D Concert movie will benefit for fans and 3D pricing but wont be a huge hit. You still can not pay me enough money to go to a theater and sit through what seems to be even more dredful then the terrible show.
30 million, Disaster in the making
August 19th
Fright Night

Today, another horror remake comes out for Fright Night. I have not seen the original but people I have talked to say this is not a lot alike the original. To me this looks ok with a good cast but seems pretty silly from the trailer and the early reviews coming out from the comic con screening. It seems like it might be entertaining but I am not that hopeful. It will do good business opening week because of its following and only horror movie out but after opening week I expect a big drop off. I think it will make around the same money that Scream 4 did. So Fright Night looks ok and will do ok in the box office.
39 million domestic, meh
Conan the Barbarian

It seems as August will have its first box office bomb with Conan The Barbarian coming out this week. The movie looks really dumb and a dishonor to the first film. From the trailers this film just looks like at best it can be a dumb action film. The 3D seems like it is a cash grab after watching a trailer in 3D. The new Conan looks like he can pull it off but that’s not saying a lot. The film reported 90 million dollar budget seems impossible for the film to reach. I don’t even see this film surpassing 50 million dollars let alone 90. The trailer most likely turned off a lot of fans of the original so there will be no cult following seeing this. Overall this looks ok but a failure at the box office.
45 million domestic, meh
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World

I am rueing today because the newest installment of Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids series come out. This seems like a complete cash grab of the original trilogy which started ten years ago. It looks like complete slap stick and its sad to see Ricky Gervais wasting his time with this junk. The effects look cheap compared to the original films and in general feels lazy. The film has a reported budget of 40 million dollars and if that is true, it will barely reach that. Since its the only kid film out it will but dont expect people who grew up with the series coming out and seeing this lazy excuse of a movie. So overall the film looks terrible but will make decent money.
42 million domestic, Disaster in the making
One Day (2011)

This is one of the smaller releases and it seems that way. After watching the trailer I could predict the whole films outcome but it has a solid cast of stars and people behind it so it should be well made, just nothing that amazing or special. The film is from Focus Features which mostly does smaller nationwide films and I expect the business to be that way. It should open out of the top 5 making most of its money opening week and then get some more scraps. So nothing amazing gross, or quality wise.
20 million domestic, meh
August 26th
Dont be Afraid of the Dark

Another horror remake in August but I am more hopeful about this one. Dont be Afraid of the Dark is written and produced from the great Guillermo del Toro who is the master of creative creatures which he showed with Pans Labyrinth and both Hellboy films. From the trailer I nearly crapped my pants because this looks scary. At the end they did a jump scare and wow it got me good. I am worried because I havent seen much from director Troy Nixey and we dont see much acting in the trailer. Financially people are going to see this movie. It is going to get the college students who are in there first week to see this. The film is most likely does not have a huge budget so even if it has a sub par opening week it still will be find. Overall this looks like a scary good movie and a solid hit.
54 million domestic, promising

Today Luc Besson brings his latest action movie, Colombiana staring Zoe Sladana. I am really looking forward to this one it looks like a darker and better version of last years average Salt. Luc Besson latest work Taken and From Paris with Love were very entertaining with lot of great action. I do not expect anything different here and it looks like is most dramatic film. From the trailer the film had a cool look and style to it and this looks like a great action revenge flick. Money wise this film should gross around the same as the second Transporter film, Transporter 2 (grossed 43 million dollars). It seems like the name of Luc Besson can bring in audiences and hopefully the film gets Taken business. If the film doesnt boom in the box office, it still looks like a fantastic film that should do fine in the box office.
42 million domestic, EXCITED
Our Idiot Brother

Shees I am not looking forward to this one and I don’t think audiences are either. From the trailer this looks like a really stupid movie with such a good cast. I love Paul Rudd but I think his career is going down hill if he’s starring in this garbage. I hope it was just a bad trailer that I saw because this looked terrible. This seems like a smaller film so I don’t think it will make a killing in the box office despite its big cast. So overall I am not looking forward to Our Idiot Brother but I hope I am wrong because there is a very talented cast around this.
29 million domestic, Disaster in the making
August 31th
The Debt

Today August ends with The Debt. This film has a lot of promise around it starring Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, and Tom Wilkinson two of them Oscar nominated, directed by John Madden who directed best picture winner Shakespeare in Love (one of the more debateable winners but still it won), and written by Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldmen, the same team that brought us Kick-Ass and X-Men First Class. This looks like a better version of last years The American both being Oscar contending thrillers. I hope this is good enough to earn Oscar nominations and I think it will. Box Office wise it depends on quality. If the film has Oscar Buzz business will pick up and the film will be very successful. If it is not that Oscar film, it will do decent but nothing amazing. Overall this looks like an Oscar contender and I hope it is one
62 million (if picks up Oscar buzz) If not 29 million domestic, EXCITED
So August overall is a pretty mixed month. I am excited for three films, three films look promising, four look meh, and three look disastrous. So for a rating I have to give it a.
August: Meh
August 5th.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
What seems to be the final blockbuster of the summer, Rise of the Planet of the Apes storms in theater today. I can not wait to see this film! One of my favorite actors James Franco stars and this is something different from his usual. The early buzz on this film is amazing with people calling this a gripping summer blockbuster with great action scenes and some truly touching moments. This is great to hear because most of the blockbusters this summer have been very hollow to this looks like a great way to end the summer for blockbuster. Hopefully the film succeeds at the box office, and with a budget of 90 million dollars I think it will surpass it domestically because of positive word of mouth. I expect good money and a good movie
110 million domestic, EXCITED
The Change Up
Another raunchy comedy opens today, staring Jason Bateman and joining him is Ryan Reynolds after Green Lantern bombed. This seems like it is going to make a good amount of cash with Crazy Stupid Love seeming that it did all of its business opening week. It will be the only romantic raunchy comedy out for the month so it should make plenty of money. The only worrying thing is that there has been so many raunchy comedies so people might be tired of the genre. Quality wise this looks just meh. Bateman is always good but the story and the film seems generic and nothing special. I think The Change Up will get good money but i am not really looking forward to seeing in theaters.
90 million domestic, meh
August 10th
The Help
Both Gwen Stacey’s star here in the Help coming out today. This has been getting good reviews but nothing to rave about. The film does look good with a good cast and story but im not excited for it. The film is based on a book so it will have a cult following of people so it wont bomb at the box office. I actual expect this film to do ok despite completion. This film mostly will be for the older audience so I expect that audience to come and support the film. This overall does not seem groundbreaking but seems like a solid film in quality and gross.
42 million domestic, Promising
August 12th
30 Minuets or Less
Since I have already seen the film and loved it I am just going to talk about how I think it does in the box office. Personally, I am hopeful people see this and it does not get lost in the crowd of movies. I think it will do well because of the fact that it is directed by the box office hit Zombieland and has a great cast that has proven they can bring in money. The films wont do amazing business but with a what seems to be smaller budget, I think it will make its budget and then some. Not as much as Zombieland, but more than Your Highness, and Arthur two other comedies that came out this year. I predict the film to gross.
48 million domestic
The Final destination 5
Today the fifth film in the Final Destination comes out. Most of these films have been bad but this one has some promise. I like the new element that there are trying to kill each other to stay alive that adds a lot off suspense to who will die when because anyone could die at any time. The scene in the trailer with the bridge destruction looks like the most grand of any of the openings of any of the films. I am still worried because the last two films were terrible so I still am keeping my guard up with this film.This film like all of them will make good money. I don’t think this one will gross more than the last one (The Final Destination grossed 68 million) but it will still get solid business. The new Final Destination 5 looks like it can be better than the last ones and gross some solid money.
56 million, promising
Glee 3D Concert Movie
Oh no this looks just bad. Sure it’s not for me but I am not sitting through a concert of this pitiful music. The movie will get good money because its fan base will come and see it but it will only be out for two weeks. Since concert movies are cheap it will make its money back but don’t expect a slam dunk hit. So overall Glee 3D Concert movie will benefit for fans and 3D pricing but wont be a huge hit. You still can not pay me enough money to go to a theater and sit through what seems to be even more dredful then the terrible show.
30 million, Disaster in the making
August 19th
Fright Night
Today, another horror remake comes out for Fright Night. I have not seen the original but people I have talked to say this is not a lot alike the original. To me this looks ok with a good cast but seems pretty silly from the trailer and the early reviews coming out from the comic con screening. It seems like it might be entertaining but I am not that hopeful. It will do good business opening week because of its following and only horror movie out but after opening week I expect a big drop off. I think it will make around the same money that Scream 4 did. So Fright Night looks ok and will do ok in the box office.
39 million domestic, meh
Conan the Barbarian
It seems as August will have its first box office bomb with Conan The Barbarian coming out this week. The movie looks really dumb and a dishonor to the first film. From the trailers this film just looks like at best it can be a dumb action film. The 3D seems like it is a cash grab after watching a trailer in 3D. The new Conan looks like he can pull it off but that’s not saying a lot. The film reported 90 million dollar budget seems impossible for the film to reach. I don’t even see this film surpassing 50 million dollars let alone 90. The trailer most likely turned off a lot of fans of the original so there will be no cult following seeing this. Overall this looks ok but a failure at the box office.
45 million domestic, meh
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World
I am rueing today because the newest installment of Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids series come out. This seems like a complete cash grab of the original trilogy which started ten years ago. It looks like complete slap stick and its sad to see Ricky Gervais wasting his time with this junk. The effects look cheap compared to the original films and in general feels lazy. The film has a reported budget of 40 million dollars and if that is true, it will barely reach that. Since its the only kid film out it will but dont expect people who grew up with the series coming out and seeing this lazy excuse of a movie. So overall the film looks terrible but will make decent money.
42 million domestic, Disaster in the making
One Day (2011)
This is one of the smaller releases and it seems that way. After watching the trailer I could predict the whole films outcome but it has a solid cast of stars and people behind it so it should be well made, just nothing that amazing or special. The film is from Focus Features which mostly does smaller nationwide films and I expect the business to be that way. It should open out of the top 5 making most of its money opening week and then get some more scraps. So nothing amazing gross, or quality wise.
20 million domestic, meh
August 26th
Dont be Afraid of the Dark
Another horror remake in August but I am more hopeful about this one. Dont be Afraid of the Dark is written and produced from the great Guillermo del Toro who is the master of creative creatures which he showed with Pans Labyrinth and both Hellboy films. From the trailer I nearly crapped my pants because this looks scary. At the end they did a jump scare and wow it got me good. I am worried because I havent seen much from director Troy Nixey and we dont see much acting in the trailer. Financially people are going to see this movie. It is going to get the college students who are in there first week to see this. The film is most likely does not have a huge budget so even if it has a sub par opening week it still will be find. Overall this looks like a scary good movie and a solid hit.
54 million domestic, promising
Today Luc Besson brings his latest action movie, Colombiana staring Zoe Sladana. I am really looking forward to this one it looks like a darker and better version of last years average Salt. Luc Besson latest work Taken and From Paris with Love were very entertaining with lot of great action. I do not expect anything different here and it looks like is most dramatic film. From the trailer the film had a cool look and style to it and this looks like a great action revenge flick. Money wise this film should gross around the same as the second Transporter film, Transporter 2 (grossed 43 million dollars). It seems like the name of Luc Besson can bring in audiences and hopefully the film gets Taken business. If the film doesnt boom in the box office, it still looks like a fantastic film that should do fine in the box office.
42 million domestic, EXCITED
Our Idiot Brother
Shees I am not looking forward to this one and I don’t think audiences are either. From the trailer this looks like a really stupid movie with such a good cast. I love Paul Rudd but I think his career is going down hill if he’s starring in this garbage. I hope it was just a bad trailer that I saw because this looked terrible. This seems like a smaller film so I don’t think it will make a killing in the box office despite its big cast. So overall I am not looking forward to Our Idiot Brother but I hope I am wrong because there is a very talented cast around this.
29 million domestic, Disaster in the making
August 31th
The Debt
Today August ends with The Debt. This film has a lot of promise around it starring Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, and Tom Wilkinson two of them Oscar nominated, directed by John Madden who directed best picture winner Shakespeare in Love (one of the more debateable winners but still it won), and written by Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldmen, the same team that brought us Kick-Ass and X-Men First Class. This looks like a better version of last years The American both being Oscar contending thrillers. I hope this is good enough to earn Oscar nominations and I think it will. Box Office wise it depends on quality. If the film has Oscar Buzz business will pick up and the film will be very successful. If it is not that Oscar film, it will do decent but nothing amazing. Overall this looks like an Oscar contender and I hope it is one
62 million (if picks up Oscar buzz) If not 29 million domestic, EXCITED
So August overall is a pretty mixed month. I am excited for three films, three films look promising, four look meh, and three look disastrous. So for a rating I have to give it a.
August: Meh
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