Note: This will probably be a very non generic list, as always keep an open mind. All is strictly opinion.
5) Napoleon Dynamite
I don't fully understand why this film is deemed overrated. Yes most people in my school, is not all have seen it, but overrated, I don't think so. I forget most of this movie, and many of my friends forget it too. The only scene that people seem to always remember, if not the only thing they remember is the dancing scene, but my point is an overrated film is one that people do not forget, and quote, or know every single character for the most part, "Napoleon Dynamite" isn't that movie. With the exception of the lines, there are some definite memorable lines, but everything else is not.
I don't even enjoy the film, I thought it was pretty damn boring. If anything I think this can be a tie in movie to "Juno", and even that film is a bit boring sometimes. The pacing isn't even slow it's painfully slow, and most people myself included find ourselves skipping to the good parts that aren't stupid, or creepy, or just flat out ridiculous. "Napoleon Dynamite" is not in my definition is not overrated at all, stop calling it.
4) Fight Club
I have nothing for praise for "Fight Club" .It is definitely one of my favorite films of all time. It's one of those films that when I finish watching it, I want to create my own films, and I use the word "create" because "Fight Club" created a type of films, yes it had some typical elements like the split personality, it's the classic Jekyll & Hyde sinereo, and if that's what makes "Fight Club" overrated, then I'll have to call bullshit on that. The only thing I ever hear repeated from this films, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but the only line I hear repeated constantly is "first rule of Fight Club, you don't talk about Fight Club". Stories about people creating their own Fight Clubs around the country in celebration of this movie doesn't mean it's overrated, is "Taxi Driver" overrated, because some person went out and killed people dressed up as Travis Bickle, no that stuff happens all the time. People take inspiration from film, and sometimes it's misunderstood.
"Fight Club" is maybe considered overrated, because of Brad Pitt, but no, that's wrong a lot of movies have a pretty boy, that all the girls go hoo haa over, that doesn't necessarily mean it's an overrated movie. If anything to the new generation it's underrated. Many of my friends some film buffs haven't seen "Fight Club", but they know that one line. Recently it was aired on TV specifically on MTV of all places, but they ran it for about two weeks or so every Friday, and Saturday, but even with it on MTV seems that people still don't watch it. I go to school the next say, and say "dude did you watch Fight Club last night" my answer "no", to busy watching that "Jersey Shore" shit On Demand. It's a great movie, but not worthy of the title overrated. That's not a bad thing either.
3) The Rocky Horror Picture Show
This blows my mind, that people actually say "Rocky Horror" is overrated, most people I know, including adults don't know what "Rocky Horror" is, but they know the Time Warp. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is only popular to it's fans, and their fans are definitely deemed overwhelming. The sheer fact that it was featured as a "Glee" episode, and only to not be performed to the whole school in the episode, is a testimate to that. It has it's own fan-base that loves the hell out of it. Overrated is not a word I use to describe it, I describe it as underrated on such a sheer level of obscureness. If people my age started singing, and dressing up as Frank-N-Furter, then I can maybe call it overrated, but many people I know, my age, my generation don't know jack about "Rocky Horror".
2) Requiem for a Dream
Along with "Fight Club", "Requiem for a Dream" is another one of my inspirations when it coems to film. Darren Aronofsky can go to his grave knowing he made some of the most controversial, and real movies. It doesn't sugar coat shit, it flat out shows drugs will screw you up. When people say it's an overrated film, I always ask why, and for the most part, they say that it's a cliched story....does that mean it's overrated. Maybe the storyline is overrated, but the film itself is not. If anything the song "Lux Aeterna" is the most overused, not overrated, but overused piece of music ever to be created. Used in practically every movie trailer, and used in an epic fight, or battle that song is amazing, but overused, in sometimes the most useless ways. I want to draw your attention to a comment from the website Primer.
His argument made sense, to me, but the whole point of the article that was taken from was it counted down the top overrated movies of the past 10 years, and "Requiem for a Dream" came up, but it doesn't back up the reasoning as to why exactly it's overrated. Many love this film I love this film, many remember many parts of the film, many remember Jennifer Connelly, and Ellen Burstyn's performance, and again that song, but when people say that it's overrated I ask you "Why". That's the annual question "Why"?
1) District 9
A completely original film, no, but one of the most original in today's terms, absolutely. But people still say it's a completely overrated movie. No, it deserves every bit of praise it gets. In a world where originality, and creative ideas are oblivious to mainstream audiences, "District 9" dared to give a new style of film, where they combined realistic documentary elements with action sci-fi goodness. The acting was done greatly by a one man show, the whole film is a one man show.
Sharlto Copley was a nobody until his amazing, epic performance as the bureaucrat Wikis, and even though the film took the whole story of transformation, from "The Fly" even down to the way he clutched his arm, into his jacket, it still was a new fresh look at sc-fi, in a year sci-fi ruled the silver screen. Also being directed by a new filmmaker, who took the whole premise from a six minute film he made and turned it into a feature length film is an amazing triumph for the creative world. Overrated is not what I would use for "District 9", I would use ambitious.
What films do you believe are inappropriately deemed overrated ?
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