Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Written by Ashley Edward Miller, Zack Stentz, and Don Payne
Starring Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, and Tom Hiddleston
Summer movie season is now under way with our first super hero release. Those film jumps of an unusual summer that has a high total of 4 movies. After each trailer was released, it seemed that this film would be the worst compared to the other super hero films becuase the tralier had a lot of silly and dumm moments with Kat Dennings (Fine but not a very good actress). So did the recent surge of good reviews speak true for the film or did the trailers issues show in the film.
Thor is about the Mighty Thor, a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. As a result, Thor is banished to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) meets a science Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). Back in Asgard Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has taken control of Asgard becuase Odin (Anthony Hopkins) is in a Odin sleep. Loki plans on sending the frost giants to raid Asgard and kill his defenseless father. So will Thor be able to get back to Asgard on time or will the Loki kill Odin and rule Asgard for ever.
Thor is an epic like it should be and it feels that way. The scale of things like thee frost giant planet and Asgard itself looking larger then life. Once the film gets to earth we dont see the large scale, but instead a sweet and for me kind of touching between Foster and Thor. Hemsworth and Portman do a fantastic job as I felt there connection but if there relasonship was just a bit better the end would be much more satisfying.
Speaking of Hemsworth and Portman, ever performance i solid whenever it is one line or alot. The best performance of the film were from Tom Hiddleston as Loki and Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin. First lets talk about Hiddleston's performance as Loki. He did the best to me becuase he perfectly executed the slyness and brought quite a bit emotion to it. He just wanted to rule Asgard and make his dad happy.
Sir Anthony Hopkins performance was just as good but in shorter screen time. Hopkins had so much power in his voice that made him seem grand and larger then life like he should. It is too bad that he was only in the film for a short time becuase he could have really kept elevating the performances.
What would a Thor film be without action. The action scenes in the film our also larger then life as each battle gives you the feeling of an epic. Each scene is really cool and I think some of the best action scenes in Marvels film history. Especially the first action scene at the giant ice giant planet has Thor takes on a huge army of ice giants.
Now onto the bed which is one thing. Thor I think should have focused more on the relasonship between Thor and Loki. I think the way that the film should be done. Throughout the film we should see the connection between the brothers and then Thor is heart broken to see his brother betraying him. Then the end would be come a emotional and even epic as things like Lord of the Rings.
Overall Thor is a huge largely scaled epic that lives up to its name. The scary thing is that could have been much better. I am going to give Thor 8.5/10
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